Management by Trust

Are your employees a liability?

Do your employees often call in sick? Do you feel as though they are not really giving their “all” at work? Do you get the sense that they are looking for another job?

Management by Trust makes the case that treating your employees in an open and trusting manner is more than just an exercise in feel-good benevolence. In fact, it is imperative to succeeding in business in the 21st century America and the global marketplace. Entrepreneur Kenn Ricci has spent more than 24 years developing innovative services in the aviation industry and has led his workforce with practical management techniques for building employee trust and success.

Management by Trust is the quintessential book for business owners to build the framework for a happy, terrific, productive workforce. It is also an important resource tool for employees to use as a guide while job seeking.


Title:Management by Trust
Author:Kenn Ricci
Page Count :160 pages
Type of Book:Hardcover
Publisher:Citation Books

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